About organizing your pictures by using Clip Gallery categories

About organizing your pictures by using Clip Gallery categories

You can add any picture as a clip to Clip Gallery categories. Categories are collections of clip art. For example, Microsoft PhotoDraw includes Business, Entertainment, and Transportation as standard Clip Gallery categories. Once you add pictures to a category, you can access and insert them as you would any clip art. You can also create new categories for pictures you add to the Clip Gallery.

To make searching easier, you can add keywords to the pictures you add to categories. For example, for a picture of a car you could use the following keywords: car, autos, automobiles, vehicles, or transportation. Whenever you search for the picture, you can use these keywords.

More information

Organize pictures by using Clip Gallery categories.

For more information about Clip Gallery, click Clip Art on the PhotoDraw Insert menu, and then click the Help menu in Clip Gallery.